Thursday, August 23, 2012

What to make for Halloween???

Hello friends!

Ok, I have become locally famous (at work. ha!) for my treats!
 People have already started asking me what I am going to bring for Halloween this year.
 Last year I made Mummies and Witches Fingers. 

So this year I want to up the ante! 
Here are some AMAZING and HORRIFYING ideas I have found!!!

Marshmallows dipped in butterscotch!

Sugar candy with food coloring!

Bloody band aids. Grosss!
Graham Crackers with frosting.

Ghosts. Scary!

Or the class Kitty Litter Cake
Kitty Litter Cake Recipe

And for the more savory dishes...


or how about a nice Hand

Ahhhh yeah right! Hells to the no! 
I am so grossed out that I couldn't even look at them when I posted them. 
I will NOT be making any savory Halloween dishes!!!!

Do you have any traditions when it comes to Halloween foods? What do you make?


  1. Those are all pretty good tho! the ear wax on a stick - mmmm not so much!

  2. Uhhhh----I think I will skip it after seeing these! But the mummies,ghosts, and spooky strawberries are so cute.

  3. OOOOO my kids would flip - I'm going to have to copy some of these this Halloween!
    Swinging over from One Artsy Mama....
    I'd love if you stop by and visit me at

  4. Wow, these take a "theme" to a whole new level! So detailed and perfect for Halloween :) Love those asparagus fingers!

  5. Love those strawberries! I will skip the kitty litter cake :)

  6. Oh my! You sure have tried it all! I love the strawberry ghosts... so adorable!

    Take care,


  7. These are awesome! The oly one that I can't quite handle is the kitty litter cake. I'm gagging just thinking about it. This may be an excuse for a Halloween party!

  8. Oh wow.. Those are creative.
    I think I'd have to pass on the kitty litter too. Crazy but great ideas.

  9. Hello! I stopped by from the Sunday Social and I'm so glad I did. What creative treats for Halloween. My kids would have a great time! I love the mummies, ear wax, and band aids. I'm going to be surprising my kids with an after school snack! Please stop by and visit:


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