Sunday, March 18, 2012

Family BBQ

My dad and brother were visiting us this past week and here is what we made for dinner one night...

Grilled chicken (my favorite!)
 Grilled asparagus. My hubby blanched it first and then grilled it. It was amazing!
 I made jalapeno poppers and pork chops. My hubby makes this marinade using coke. I am going to have him blog about it one day!
 I also made my other favorite, grilled zucchini and peppers!
 We also made steaks!

We didn't eat THAT much food lol we just grilled a whole bunch so that we could eat off of it for the next few days. 


  1. i want to hear about the Coke Marinade! ASAP!


  2. It's a chilly day in the Northeast, so I keep looking at your lovely grilled food and envying you! My husband and I love to grill up a bunch of stuff at once. It saves us from having to forage later in the week! :)
