Saturday, May 21, 2011

Father's Day Wreath

I found this on Be Different, Act Normal and have been on the hunt for the ties ever since! Here is my loot!

 If you are not a good hunter, this project can get expensive! Luckily, I was referred to an awesome thrift store where I was able to get ties from 25 cents to 50 cents! So this whole project was under $10 for both the ties and the wire wreath. 

I did a huge NO NO and bought something FULL price at Hobby Lobby. You know you should NEVER buy anything full price at Hobby Lobby as everything is on sale every other week. Granted, yes, it was only $2.50, but still!

The original instructions were to get a 14 inch wire wreath, all I could find was a 16 inch. It actually worked better for me as I don't know how I would have fit all 19 ties on a smaller wreath.

First, you have to cut 18 of your 19 ties. (Pick the most appropriate one to serve as your bow. I had a cute red polka dot one that was perfect!) You measure 15 inches up from the bottom point of the tie and cut straight across. 

Wrap the tie around the wire wreath until you get the desired length. I think I wrapped it around two and a half times. I secured the first few with a safety pin like the instructions stated. 

This totally did not work for me. I ended up using hot glue. But only glue on the last wrap around, as you can still slide the ties around. (The original instructions also stated to sew the rolls to the tie flap when you were done. HA. I knew hot glue was in my future!)

Continue working your way around and be sure to have your ties pre arranged so you can spread out the colors and designs.

Here is a better example of when to put the hot glue.

Woohoo! Now it just needs a bow!

I just wrapped the tie around to get the look I wanted and then hot glued it on. Isn't this tie perfect for a bow?

As soon as I started doing this I was worried about how the ties at the top would stay straight up and not flop over. So I lined the top with hot glue and pressed it together. I didn't fold it over, just squeezed it together, to help ensure that it would stay upright.

Here is the finished back with the "pressed" glue helping them stay upright.

I LOVE it!

Happy Father's Day!!!

Now what to do with the left over tie pieces????


  1. Use the silk tie pieces to dye eggs at Easter!
    We made the prettiest "tie" dyed eggs last year.

  2. I have a bunch of my dad's old ties and I was wondering what to do with them, now I know! Thanks for the idea and the instructions.
    I came over from SewManyWays:)

  3. what a great father's day craft idea. I am totally pinning and stumbling this! have a fab weekend.


  4. What a great idea! Love how it turned out. Humorous and pretty at the same time ;)

    <3 Christina
    Wildly Original Round Up linky party is open!

  5. yeah... now wishing i had not taken that bag of ties to the good will

  6. I love this idea! I too have a bunch of my Father's old ties. I now know what to do with them! I am sure you will find something to do with the ends!

  7. By the way, I meant to ask what part of Arkansas you live in. We used to live close to Forest City. Have you heard of it? Hope you like it there!

  8. Hi there, Found you via Sew Many Ways link party.
    What a great idea and an unusual gift.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Ali x

  9. That is super cute.....thanks for linking up @ CountryMommaCooks : )

  10. TOO CUTE!!! Stopped by from Beautify it Monday! Love this and am pinning it and following you now.

  11. love it! my first thought was that this would make a cute turkey tail for thanksgiving!

  12. I think that is the cutest thing! What a great way to display all those old ties!

  13. What a great idea! I featured your project last week at my Unveil Your Genius link party and I am so truly sorry I didn't jump over here to tell you!
    I'm right in the middle of a move and I've been a horrible slacker!! (eeek! So sorry) I hope you'll link up again soon! (PS..go grab a featured button!)

  14. Couldn’t you dip the ends in something called Stiff to keep the ends from flopping?

  15. Thank you for providing a good quality article.

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  18. Wow!!! It was really an Informational Article, keep it up! thankyou
